


tags:opensips 配置文件 创建时间:2015-09-20 08:52:06

    Generating OpenSIPS config files is accomplished by using the menuconfig tool. Because the graphical interface is ncurses based, please make sure to first install the ncurses development library ( typically libncurses5-dev ).

1.  Using the Menuconfig Tool

The menuconfig can be ran either directly from the OpenSIPS sources, or post installation, from the installation path :
From sources, you can run
    make menuconfig
After installation, you can run menuconfig directly from the installation path, by running
Once in the menuconfig tool, navigate to the 'Generate OpenSIPS Script' option, and then choose your desired script type. Once you have chosen you script type, you will be able to go to configure the various available options for that script ( described below ). Enabling certain options per script is done by using the spacebar key. Once you have configured your desired options, you can hit the 'q' key to go to the previous menu, and hit 'Save Changes'. Then, you can generate the OpenSIPS script with your configurations. At the end, the graphical tool will give you the path for your newly generated config file ( eg : Config generated : /usr/local/opensips_proxy_1.11/etc/opensips/opensips_residential_2013-5-21_11:39:48.cfg )

2.  Types of Configs

So far, the OpenSIPS 1.11 menuconfig automated script generator supports 3 types of scripts. Here are the types of scripts, along with the available options per script :
Residential Script
ENABLE_TCP : OpenSIPS will listen on TCP for SIP requests
ENABLE_TLS : OpenSIPS will listen on TCP for SIP requests
USE_ALIASES : OpenSIPS will allow the use of Aliases for SIP users
USE_AUTH : OpenSIPS will authenticate Register & Invite requests
USE_DBACC : OpenSIPS will save ACC entries in DB for all calls
USE_DBUSRLOC : OpenSIPS will persistently store User Location entries in the DB
USE_DIALOG : OpenSIPS will keep track of active dialogs
USE_MULTIDOMAIN : OpenSIPS will handle multiple domains for subscribers
USE_NAT : OpenSIPS will try to cope with NAT by fixing SIP msgs and engaging RTPProxy
USE_PRESENCE : OpenSIPS will act as a Presence server
USE_DIALPLAN : OpenSIPS will use dialplan for transformation of local numbers
VM_DIVERSION : OpenSIPS will redirect to VM calls not reaching the subscribers
HAVE_INBOUND_PSTN : OpenSIPS will accept calls from PSTN gateways (with static IP authentication)
HAVE_OUTBOUND_PSTN : OpenSIPS will send numerical dials to PSTN gateways (with static IP definition)
USE_DR_PSTN : OpenSIPS will use Dynamic Routing Support ( LCR ) for PSTN interconnection
Trunking Script
ENABLE_TCP : OpenSIPS will listen on TCP for SIP requests
ENABLE_TLS : OpenSIPS will listen on TCP for SIP requests
USE_DBACC : OpenSIPS will save ACC entries in DB for all calls
USE_DIALPLAN : OpenSIPS will use dialplan for transformation of local numbers
USE_DIALOG : OpenSIPS will keep track of active dialogs
DO_CALL_LIMITATION : OpenSIPS will limit the number of parallel calls per trunk
Load-Balancer Script
ENABLE_TCP : OpenSIPS will listen on TCP for SIP requests
ENABLE_TLS : OpenSIPS will listen on TCP for SIP requests
USE_DBACC : OpenSIPS will save ACC entries in DB for all calls
USE_DISPATCHER : OpenSIPS will use DISPATCHER instead of Load-Balancer for distributing the traffic
DISABLE_PINGING : OpenSIPS will not ping at all the destinations (otherwise it will ping when detected as failed)

3.  Post-Generation Script editing

After generating your OpenSIPS script with the menuconfig tool, you need to open the script with your favorite editor, and go through all the '# CUSTOMIZE ME' comments in the script. Those comments mark the places where user attention is needed, and usually refer to customizing the OpenSIPS listening address or setting the proper database URL.
Upon making the appropriate '# CUSTOMIZE ME' changes, you can save your script and take it for a test drive.

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