This is a step by step tutorial about how to install and maintain Kamailio SIP server development version using the sources downloaded from GIT repository - the choice for those willing to write code for Kamailio or to try the new features to be released in the future with the next maj
以下由QQ群友 風華血月(963641045)分享
1.环境:阿里云Debian 8.04 64位系统,防火墙默认开启,数据库mysql
2.默认已经安装了kamailio,配置连mysql数据库,添加用户,不会的可以根据官方文档: http://www.kamailio.org/wiki/install/4.4.x/git
3.安装mediaproxy,mediaproxy属于AG Projects ,参考官方文档:http://mediaproxy.ag-projects.com/projects/mediaprox
以下由QQ群友 風華血月(963641045)分享
1.环境:阿里云Debian 8.04 64位系统,防火墙默认关闭
2.默认已经安装了kamailio,配置连mysql数据库,添加用户,不会的可以根据官方文档: http://www.kamailio.org/wiki/install/4.4.x/git
从 git clone git://sippy.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/sippy/rtpproxy 下载最新源码
./configure&&make&&make install 安
Kamailio中文翻译文档地址: 地址
debian 8.2 64位虚拟机
1 . 安装必要的安装包
apt-get install git-core
apt-get install gcc
apt-get install flex
apt-get install bison
apt-get install make
apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
再次声明,本人英文水平很渣,翻译只是为了学习的同时,给社区做些贡献,所以有翻译错的,比较读的不通顺的,欢迎指正,但请不要乱喷。QQ: 1354608370
This page was saved using WebZIP offline browser (Unregistered) on 10/03/15 23:42:10.
Address: http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/stable/modules/rtpengine.html
Title: rtpengine Module • Size: 79094
`This page was saved using WebZIP offline browser (Unregistered) on 10/03/15 23:42:10. Address: http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/stable/modules/ims_charging.html Title: The IMS Charging Module • Size: 76418 • Last Modified: Wed, 03 Jun 2015 20:25:53 GMT The IMS Charging Mo
This page was saved using WebZIP offline browser (Unregistered) on 10/03/15 23:42:10. Address: http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/stable/modules/ims_auth.html Title: ims_auth Module • Size: 53048 • Last Modified: Wed, 03 Jun 2015 20:25:53 GMT ims_auth Module
This page was saved using WebZIP offline browser (Unregistered) on 10/03/15 23:42:10. Address: http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/stable/modules/group.html Title: group Module • Size: 33306 • Last Modified: Wed, 03 Jun 2015 20:25:53 GMT group Module
Jan Janak
This page was saved using WebZIP offline browser (Unregistered) on 10/03/15 23:42:10. Address: http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/stable/modules/imc.html Title: imc Module • Size: 31557 • Last Modified: Wed, 03 Jun 2015 20:25:53 GMT imc Module
Anca-Maria Vamanu
第一次的发布将会发布在:http://kamailio.org.cn ,由James.zhu维护翻译稿
本次工作由QQ群:293697898 及FreeSWITCH学习交流群、Asterisk/FreePBX/Elastix等群的诸多群友一起合作,由上海-老李(李浩)进行协调和维护相关数据,最终将在更新后,第一版发布于kamailio.org.cn,并在最终向kamailio官方
``Transformation is basically a function that is applied to a pseudo-variable (PV) to get a special value from it. The value of PV is not altered.
Transformations are implemented by various modules, most of them being in pv module.
The transformations are intended to facilitate acc
The list of pseudo-variables
Predefined pseudo-variables are listed in alphabetical order.
$$ - Pseudo-variable marker
$$ - represents the character '$'
$_s(format) - Evaluate dynamic format
$_s(format) - returns the string after evaluating all pseudo-variables in format
$var(x) = "si
一、引言 环境是依照kamailio官方相关文档操作的,但由于centos上httpd和apache2有所不同,但相关交叉的东西比较多,所以我们还是用debian来完成这个操作。
操作系统: Debian 7.5 64位
数据库: mysql或postgresql
kamailio版本: kamailio 4.2
二、 操作步骤 本文只列出siremis的安装步骤:
apt-get install apache2
a2enmod rewrite
apt-get install php5 php5-mysql php5-g