


tags:Opensips modules 模块 创建时间:2015-09-19 20:13:55

Module nameDescriptionStatus
AAA_RADIUSRADIUS backend for the AAA APIbeta
ACCAccounting modulestable
ALIAS_DBDatabase SIP aliases modulestable
AUTHAuthentication Framework modulestable
AUTH_AAAAAA-backend authentication modulestable
AUTH_DBDatabase-backend authentication modulestable
AUTH_DIAMETERDIAMETER-backend authentication moduleunmaintained
AVPOPSAVP operation modulestable
BENCHMARKConfig file benchmarkingbeta
B2B_ENTITIESBack-to-Back User Agent Entitiesbeta
B2B_LOGICBack-to-Back User Agent Logicbeta
CALL CONTROLPrePaid application modulebeta
CARRIERROUTErouting extension suitable for carriersalpha
CFGUTILSDifferent config utilitiesstable
CLOSEDDIALPBX-like dialling featuresbeta
CPL-CCPL interpreter modulestable
DB_BERKELEYBerkeley DB driver for DB APIbeta
DB_FLATSTOREFast writing-only text-backend for database modulestable
DB_HTTPHTTP-backend for DB APIbeta
DB_MYSQLMYSQL-backend for database API modulestable
DB_ORACLEORACLE-backend for database API modulealpha
DB_POSTGRESPOSTGRES-backend for database API modulestable
DB_TEXTText-backend for database API modulestable
DB_UNIXODBCunixODBC driver modulestable
DB_VIRTUALMiddle-layer DB mixerbeta
DIALOGDialog support modulestable
DIALPLANDialplan managementstable
DISPATCHERDispatcher modulestable
DIVERSIONDiversion header insertion modulestable
DOMAINMulti-domain support modulestable
DOMAINPOLICYPolicies to connect federationsbeta
DROUTINGDynamic Routing / LCRstable
ENUMENUM lookup modulestable
EXECExternal exec modulestable
EVENT_DATAGRAMEvent datagram modulebeta
GFLAGSGlobal shared flags modulestable
GROUPUser-groups module with DB-backendstable
H350H350 implementationstable
IDENTITYSIP Identity implementationalpha
IMCInstant Messaging Conferencing modulebeta
JABBERJABBER IM and PRESENCE interconnection modulebeta
JSONJSON packing functionalpha
LDAPLDAP connectorstable
LOAD_BALANCERLoad Balancer (for calls) modulebeta
LOCALCACHELocal memory caching modulebeta
MANGLERSIP mangler modulestable
MAXFWDMax-Forward processor modulestable
MEMCACHEDMEMCACHED connector modulebeta
MI_DATAGRAMDATAGRAM (unix and network) support for Management Interfacestable
MI_FIFOFIFO support for Management Interfacestable
MI_XMLRPCXMLRPC support for Management Interfacestable
MEDIAPROXYNAT traversal modulestable
MMGEOIPMaxMind GeoIP modulealpha
MSILOSIP message silo modulestable
NAT_TRAVERSALNAT traversal modulebeta
NATHELPERNAT traversal helper modulestable
OPTIONSOPTIONS server replier modulestable
OSPOSP peering modulestable
PATHPath support for SIP frontendingstable
PDTPrefix-to-Domain translator modulestable
PEERINGRadius peering modulealpha
PERLembed execution of Perl functionstable
PERLVDBPerl Virtual Database enginestable
PERMISSIONSPermissions control modulestable
PIKEFlood detector modulestable
PRESENCEPresence server module - common APIstable
PRESENCE_CALLINFOExtension to Presence server for Call-Infoalpha
PRESENCE_DIALOGINFOExtension to Presence server for Dialog Infoalpha
PRESENCE_MWIExtension to Presence server for Message Waiting Indicationstable
PRESENCE_XCAPDIFFExtension to Presence server for XCAP-DIFF eventalpha
PRESENCE_XMLPresence server module - presence & watcher info and XCAPstable
PUACommon API for presence user agent clientstable
PUA_BLABLA extension for PUAstable
PUA_DIALOGINFODialog-Info extension for PUAalpha
PUA_MIMI extension for PUAstable
PUA_USRLOCUSRLOC extension for PUAstable
PUA_XMPPXMPP extension for PUA (SIMPLE-XMPP presence gateway)stable
PYTHONPython scripting supportalpha / NEW
QOSQOS (RTP) modulealpha
RATELIMITSIP traffic shaping modulealpha
REGEXRegExp via PCRE libraryalpha
REGISTRARSIP Registrar implementation modulestable
RLSResource List Server implementationbeta
RRRecord-Route and Route modulestable
RTPPROXYNAT traversal using RTPProxy modulestable
SEASSip Express Application Server (interface module)stable
SIGNALINGSIP signaling modulestable
SIPTRACESipTrace modulestable
SLStateless replier modulestable
SMSSIP-to-SMS IM gateway modulestable
SNMPStatsSNMP interface for statistics modulestable
SPEEDDIALPer-user speed-dial controller modulestable
STATISTICSScript statistics supportstable
SSTSIP Session Timer supportstable
STUNBuilt-in STUN serverbeta
TEXTOPSText operations modulestable
TLSOPSTLS operations modulestable
TMTransaction (stateful) modulestable
UACUAC functionalies (FROM mangling and UAC auth)stable
UAC_AUTHUAC Authentication functionalitystable
UAC_REDIRECTUAC redirection functionalitystable
UAC_REGISTRANTSIP Registrant implementation modulealpha
URIGeneric URI operation modulestable
USERBLACKLISTUser black/white listingalpha
USRLOCUser location implementation modulestable
XCAP_CLIENTXCAP client implementationbeta
XMPPSIP-to-XMPP Gateway (SIP to Jabber/Google Talk)stable

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